Railtrail New Year Steam Brochure
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Celebrate the best of German steam with the ultimate Saxon Steam holiday. See our previous tour films on our website and 2019 is bigger and better than any before... in fact it is the Ultimate Saxon Steam tour!
Fares From £1799
★ ★ Articulated 8-wheeled Saxon-Meyer locomotives ★ ★ Steam the whole length of the newly extended Weisseritztalbahn ★ ★ A full day on the Zittau-Oybin- Jonsdorf steam line ★ ★ Tour Bertsdorf shed ★ ★ Steam along the whole of the Lössnitzgrundbahn ★ ★ Paddle steamer cruise on the River Elbe ★ ★ Centrally located hotel in Dresden
★ ★ The famous Dresden Steam Festival at Dresden Altstadt Depot ★ ★ 4 mainline steam excursions from Dresden ★ ★ Private steam photo charter on Döllnitztalbahn ★ ★ Private steam photo charter on the Waldeisenbahn Muskau ★ ★ Visit Railway Museum at Weisswasser
Visit: www.railtrail.co.uk – for full tour details and fares, and to book online NOW
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