4 Seasons With Railtrail 2018/19 Brochure
Supporting railway heritage
Welcome to our ‘Four Seasons with Railtrail’ brochure! At this point in recent years we would have been asking you to vote for us in the British Travel Awards. Not so this year as, after a little deliberation, we have decided not to enter, concentrating our efforts elsewhere. We feel that there are better measurements of customer satisfaction and would recommend that you visit our FeeFo page to read genuine comments by customers who have booked and travelled with Railtrail. We have also decided to donate our entrance fee for the awards instead to heritage railway societies, something very close to our hearts. For this year we have chosen to split our donation between two unsung heritage lines, the Epping Ongar Railway and the Wensleydale Railway. For more information on their work, please visit www. eorailway.co.uk and www.wensleydalerail.com respectively. Below are a couple of photos of the railways receiving their cheques. As you know, we are a great supporter of such societies, preserving our history for the enjoyment of future generations.
Most of our tours feature heritage railways, whether in the UK or overseas. We hope you’ll find a tour or two to interest you in this ‘Four Seasons’ brochure, where we recap on our tour offering this year, as well as launching our January to April tour programme. Recently added is our West Somerset Christmas Steam Gala on the back page, plus a new, improved Amsterdam, Bulbfields, Steam & More Steam tour and the exciting and unique winter adventure on Inlandsbanan, Arctic Circle & Jokkmokk Winter Fair . What’s more, we are again offering 2019 at 2018 prices on selected popular tours. Please turn to pages 18-21 for further details. We hope to see you trackside!
Dave Felstead Founder & Managing Director Railtrail Tours Ltd
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