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NEW Railtrail ®
Rewards Loyalty
Open our emails for great offers! From March we are launching VERY SPECIAL DEALS for those of you with ‘Railtrail Rewards’ loyalty points which will be sent by e-mail only. Special offers on particular tour departures will give you the opportunity to use your reward points at a value far in excess of their face value. To ensure that you receive priority notification of all our special offers, plus new holiday information, updates and Railtrail news, you need to ensure we have your up-to-date information and correct email address. Please go to www.railtrail.co.uk and click on “Log In” , and then... • Log in as an “Existing Client” . You can then check and update all the details we use to contact you, and ensure we always have your correct e-mail address. • If you have forgotten your password please click “Forgotten your password” and follow the instructions. • If you do not have an account already, please “Click to register” . Don’t miss out on our unique offers; remember to always tick the box... “I would like to receive occasional future updates, interesting information and special offers from Railtrail Tours Limited” and of course... ALWAYS OPEN YOUR RAILTRAIL EMAILS!!
Dave Felstead , Founder & Managing Director
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